Python Community
Open-source Health Statistics
Collecting statistics on open source NHS GitHub and GitLab repositories using end-to-end open source analytics: python, plotly,, and github actions.
NHSX Coding Club
Open-source python learning resources from the NHSX Analytics Unit.
Real Python News - March 2021
Python Turns 30 Years Old, Python Lands on Mars, 2020 Python Developers Survey Results, and more..
Python Software Foundation
Become a member of the PSF, which aims to promote, protect, and advance the Python programming language.
Learning Materials
Real Python
At Real Python you can learn all things Python from the ground up. Everything from the absolute basics of Python, to web development and web scraping, to data visualisation, and beyond.
Google's Python Class
A free class for people with a little bit of programming experience who want to learn Python. The class includes written materials, lecture videos, and lots of code exercises to practice Python coding.
Open-source Links
3 Tips for Open Source Projects
The Ultimate Guide to creating a popular open source project from someone with 10s of thousands of GitHub stars.
All Contributers [GitHub]
Recognise contributors to an open source project in a way that rewards each and every contribution, not just code.
Free Python Books
A list of Python books in English that are free to read online or download.
- [GitHub] is an online editor to help developers make files for their project.