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NHS Python Community YouTube channel

Let’s jump right into it! The NHS Python Community now has its own YouTube channel:

All our recent talks have been uploaded in curated playlists including our latest NHS-Pycom X NHS-R collaboration.

Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more great pycom content!

NHS Python Community Show & Tell content

Python in the Clinic: April 14 2022

Open-source applications such as Python will be key drivers to delivering the robust data and analytics we need in health and care. In the clinic, the utilisation of Python-based frameworks and tools have the potential to improve patient outcomes and reduce the burden of frontline healthcare workers.

Regional radiology quality improvement in Devon and Cornwall using open source tools: progress and challenges.

  • Dr Mark Thurston. Consultant Radiologist, University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust

Data is becoming increasingly important in informing decisions to improve clinical outcomes. Free open-source tools widely used across many industries are underutilised within the NHS, resulting in an opportunity cost. We present the implementation of our cross-site radiology safety netting in the southwest using the following open-source technologies: Linux, PostgreSQL, Python, Pandas, Matplotlib. We discuss some of the challenges encountered so far.

Spiritum Duo - Clinical pathways, A to B but faster!

  • Dr Mark Bailey. Speciality doctor in Respiratory Medicine and Clinical Informatician
  • Nick Ives. Computer science placement student, Gloucestershire University
  • Joe Channing. Computer science placement student, Gloucestershire University

We are working on a proof-of-concept app using digitisation, automation and optimisation of a lung cancer pathway through the development of a full-stack web application. The approach to potential digital and automation solutions in the clinic will be discussed alongside the important role two computer science students played in the development of the tool during their placements in a secondary care trust. As the work is both modular and open-source other disease sites and trusts can collaborate and benefit from this work. We are building this app so that it can be used by anyone that would be interested to use it IRL at their trust. We are using Typescript (react and apollo GragphQL) in the front end and python (Starlette and Ariadne) backend. A single page application utilising progressive web app technologies.

NHS.Pycom X NHS-R: Feb 23 2022

The NHS Python Community for Healthcare (NHS.pycom) and the NHS-R Community hosted a joint event on the 23rd February 2022, focusing on reproducible open-source analytics in both Python and R.

Reproducible Analytical Pipelines (RAP)

Helen Richardson. Data Scientist, NHS Digital.

Overview of the application of Python based reproducible analytical pipelines at NHS Digital.

RAP Community of Practice

Kenneth Quan. Data Scientist, NHS Digital.

The community of practice NHS Digital has built around RAP which includes a walkthrough of the RAP community of practice GitHub repository.

Development of tools for querying, tidying, and analysing data in R

Milan Wiedemann. Data Scientist & Researcher, The DataLab Oxford University.

Presentation on the ideas behind a set of tools developed at Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust that changed the way the team worked with healthcare data. The tools allow for the automation of common data manipulations and analytical tasks in a modular way to facilitate a more collaborative and reproducible way of working within a team.

Drivers of crowding in type 1 Emergency Departments: econometric model and its implementation in R.

Edmund Haacke. Economic Analyst, Economics & Strategic Analysis team, NHS England.

Crowding of patients in emergency departments has been associated with worse patient experience, increased mortality as well as higher staff turnover. In this project, we developed novel metrics and examined how a large set of factors are associated with crowding in emergency departments in England using data from the Emergency Care Data Set.

The Potential for Python in the NHS: Nov 16 2021

Python Pyrate Leading Innovation in Search of 'Bountiful Insights'

  • John O’Connell, Director of Strategic and Service Innovation, NHS SCW CSU

Python Pyrate on the Front Line

  • Dr Mark Bailey, Speciality Doctor in Respiratory Medicine, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital

Present your own open-source technology to the NHS Python Communtiy

We are always looking for future speakers at our Show & Tells. Please use the following link to register to present your open source technology work.


  • You are free to present the information as you wish. Tt could be a lessons learned piece, project/technique walkthroughs, a personal case study of your story working on an open-source technology project. Just think about what is most valuable for the community members to take away from your project.
  • You can be any band or grade to present, we care more about the quality of work rather than the job title of who produced it. There is no set structure to the talks, and either a PowerPoint, code or both can be shown. However, if code will be shown we ask that a short PowerPoint highlighting the overall goal of the project, the techniques used, and its result and application be included at the start of the talk.
  • I am excited to learn more about the amazing work involving open-source technologies throughout the system! Feel free to message me directly on slack, or email me at, if you have any further questions.